Friday, 4 May 2012

NOTD: Classic Polka Dots

Would you believe these falsies are from Primark? At a perfect purse-friendly price of £1! Eek, try saying that one quickly!

I didn't touch the nail glue but I used the very handy Nailene Ultra Bond Tabs which quickly and easily secured the nails in a matter of a few minutes. Super handy when you're in a rush!

The nails are all of uniform length, and the box features a range of sizes so I don't think there'd be a problem finding nails to fit. I found these to fit better than the generic high street falsies to be honest. Mega surprised!

The Nailene Tabs boast a wear time of 5 days. I wore mine for 2 and a half before taking them off. Granted, they hadn't come off at all but had started to move slightly, and I knew they wouldn't survive the task of washing my hair. And I totally didn't bend one whilst baking or get frosting lodged under the tip. Oh no ;)

♥ ♥ ♥

What do you think?

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  1. They look lovely. :) I never wear falsies but those look really good.

    1. Thank you :) It's a good way to try them - cheap and cheerful and the sticky tabs don't damage your nails like nail glue x

  2. They look really pretty :) I find falsies are usually too curved to fit my nails - they just ping off!

  3. Ooh they look so lovely! xo
