Saturday, 13 February 2010

Loving & Loathing


I've had a pretty good week this week :) I hope you all have too! Here's what I've been loving and loathing this week:

* My first MAC purchase
* Receiving my 3 new Konad plates plus some lovely goodies from Leanne!
* Losing 9lbs! Haha how did that happen?
* Working - seriously, I really enjoyed Thursday Not that I have a crush on my boss or anything hahaha and I earned £45!
* Missing the fire drill xD
* Finding out next Tuesday's lectures are cancelled so I can have an extra day at home

* Getting up at stupid o' clock for a 2 hour lecture that gets cancelled 10 minutes before it starts, when the lecturer knew she wasn't going to be there hours before as she had to travel in from London...
* Oh and snow. Seriously please make it stop :)
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